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Supporting local businesses

We are proud to recommend a number of local businesses that are independently owned and have either worked with us in the past or have provided us with an unbeatable service. We believe in the importance of supporting local businesses, so we are confident that each one of our recommended services will offer an excellent level of service.


Our list of recommended businesses and professional services such as Locksmiths, Building services, and other service providers  are sure to provide you with the quality you're looking for.


Click the Facebook button to head over to each businesses Facebook page, and if they have a website too you can head there by clicking their logo.

Locksmith Carlisle

A local family run 24hr emergency locksmith and glaziers in Carlisle , covering Cumbria and south west Scotland


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SB Services. Joinery and UPVC installations

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MWD's Bakery

MWD's Bakery offers a variety of classics and some new with a twist.


Offering Gluten, dairy free and vegan, as well as covering other allergies and intolerances.

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Queen of Gleam Carlisle
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Queen of Gleam are a multidisciplinary cleaning company providing services to residential clients, landlords, commercial property owners and businesses throughout north-west England.


Offering one off cleans as well as on-going contracts, contact Linda for a competitive quote.

Recruiting now!

Brampton Wood Fuels

Brampton Wood Fuels is a family owned business based in Brampton, Cumbria.

They supply Hardwood  Logs, Wood Briquettes and Biomass Boiler pellets and are committed to sustainable Bio Fuels that cause as little environmental impact as possible. Their products are Kiln dried to less than 20% moisture, sustainably sourced and quality guaranteed.

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